Thursday, November 25, 2010

Doors, Ice, Prompts

  • Ice Power - Initially, I was going to have the ice power as an ice blast, but that seemed to just be the fire power with different graphics. So, I had a rethink: If fire destroys, then it's opposite, ice, must create! So, the ice power creates ice cubes that can be used to block enemies. They will also be a handy weapon when pushed, as they don't decelerate (think Pengo). Also, they can freeze water hazards so you can walk on them. So far, I only have them being created, so they are a work in progress.
  • Added doors that can be opened and closed. A lot more trouble than it sounds. I am drawing the doors as actors, so that they are easier to move. As a bonus, this makes them block and unblock the player correctly.
  • Added prompts. These will be used for informational screens and conversations with NPCs. Up to 2 NPCs can talk on each page and the player can choose from up to 3 responses.
  • Metal power - Initially, this was to be just punch. But I have decided to make it contextual.
    When you are near a friendly NPC it will be Talk.
    When you are near a terminal/door/etc it will be Use.
    Otherwise, it will be Punch.
    Note the new icon for it in the HUD (bottom-right). It will always be activated as right-mouse (right-trigger on gamepad).

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