Tuesday, November 30, 2010

New viewpoint. Working doors.

  • Metal power now switches to USE when facing a door.
  • USE can now open/close doors. Though, the usefulness of closing a door is debatable. I should maybe just automatically close the door after 5 seconds or so.
  • Changed the viewpoint to be higher up, making it more RPG-like and lighter on the FPS. Perhaps, I will have a button to switch between viewpoints.
  • I made some discoveries with BasicEffect when combined with the old school tilemap approach that I am using. Mainly that I can have 3 directional lights and an ambient light per tile! I started writing my own effect, when I discovered this, so now I don't need to.
  • Added an in-game editor to speed up minor changes. Should be handy when adding lighting. Need to add level save code. Note: the editor will not be in the released version.
  • Ice power now creates ice cubes in all 8 directions. Previously, it was only the 4 cardinal directions like the air powers.
  • HP and name of enemy injured now appears in HUD

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